Milktart from South Africa

Le 27 février, c’est « Nasionale Melktertdag » en Afrique du Sud !

Une bonne occasion (ou une bonne excuse) pour s’en préparer une et pour la déguster en se pourléchant les babines …






  1. Preheat oven to 180°C
  2. For the pastry, cream together the margarine and castor sugar until light and fluffy
  3. Add all the remaining ingredients and mix well
  4. Press the pastry into a 25cm pie dish and bake until golden brown
  5. Remove from oven and allow to cool
  6. For the filling mix together some of the milk, the egg and all the dry ingredients
  7. Bring the balance of the milk and the margarine to the boil and pour over the egg mix and stir until combined
  8. Return all the mixture to the pot and stir continuously over a medium heat until thick
  9. Add the vanilla essence, mix well and pour into the base
  10. Sprinkle with Cinnamon and allow to cool in the fridge until the filling has set
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